Nos vemos en Habitat Valencia 2014

Como cada año, la cita líder del hábitat "made in spain" para el hogar, tendrá lugar en Valencia del 11 al 14 de Febrero.
Tecni Nova estará presente con un amplio abanico de propuestas para amueblar su hogar.
Nuestro propio estilo country compartirá espacio con las más innovadoras propuestas en mobiliario y tapicería de alta decoración.
Con la celebración de su 50 aniversario, la Feria Hábitat Valencia evoluciona y abrirá sus puertas junto a las otras dos citas españolas líderes en el sector del interiorismo, diseño y construcción: Cevisama y Fimma-Maderalia, optimizando y mejorando la visita de los profesionales en un escaparate único para prescriptores nacionales e internacionales.
En definitiva, un escaparate único, de colecciones singulares y exclusivas, que representa la oferta más actual de mueble, donde esperamos compartir con todos ustedes nuestras novedades. NOS VEMOS EN VALENCIA!!

As every year, the habitat leading show "made in spain" will take part in Valencia from 11 to 14 of February.
Tecni Nova will be present in this date with a wide variety of high end furnishing.
Our own country style will share space with the most innovative furnishing and upholstery proposals for luxury home decor.
With the 50th anniversary, Feria Hábitat Valencia evolves and open doors along with two of the other leader interiorism, design and building shows: Cevisama and Fimma-Maderalia, optimizing and improving the visit for professionals in a new and unique showcase for national and international specipiers.
In sort, an unique showcase, with unparalleled and exclusive collections that represent most actual furnishing offer. Under this framework we expect to share with all of you all our furniture and upholstery innovations. SEE YOU IN VALENCIA!!


A continuación les dejamos con algunas propuestas de muebles y tapizados presentadas en ediciones anteriores.

Hereafter you will find some proposals in furniture and upholstery presented in previous editions.






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Important notes

Tecni Nova, s.l.u. provides judicial protection for its creations, through the acquisition of industrial property rights by means of the inclusion of this producs in the Register of the desingns and industrial models regulated in the Statute on Ïndustrial ownership Royal Decree Law, July 26, 1929 and Law 11/1986 dated March 20 of Patents. This system permits the exercising of exclusive rights of fabrication, commercialization and graphic dissemination of thir records and to establish whatever judicial actions considered appopiate in defense of and aginst plagerism of thir models that could be carried out by any third party. The company reserves the right to make any modification to its models, on condition that this is in order to make improvements.

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