El estilo Country de Tecni Nova

Muy cerca del Mediterráneo, en el interior de España, admirando la arquitectura tradicional, el entorno, los viñedos, las llanuras, el cielo... allí es donde reside la inspiración de nuestro estilo country.

Besides the Mediterranean sea, in inland Spain, admiring the traditional architecture, the enviroment, the vineyards, the plains, the sky... it is there that resides the inspiration for our country style.

Countryside, nuestra última colección, plasma el estilo country a nuestra manera, un mueble de lujo, de acabados artesanos y delicados, con telas espectaculares y ese toque de sofisticación.

Countryside, our last collection, embodies country syle in our own way, high end furnishing, handmade and delicate finishings, awesome fabrics and full of sophistication.

Las piezas de mobiliario Countryside poseen personalidad y elegancia, convertirán los espacios en el rincón favorito de su hogar. Opciones de decoración para dormitorio, salón, comedor.. de estilo tradicional a la vez que perfecto para nuestros días.

Countryside kits of furnishing have elegance and their own personality, they will turn the spaces into favorite places of your home. Interior theme options for family room furniture, living room, dining,... with a traditional style but perfect for today. 

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muebles de lujo, decoración de interiores, muebles rustico elegantes, normandos, estilo country, high end interior design, country funishing, country cottage decorating, couches

muebles de lujo, decoración de interiores, muebles rustico elegantes, normandos, estilo country, high end interior design, country funishing, country cottage decorating, couches

Colores tendencia en decoración de interiores, piezas singulares, clásicos renovados, tapicería confortable y sofisticada... En definitiva, propuestas en decoración que evocan a una "slow life" en su más elegante faceta.

Trend interior decoration colours, singular pieces, renovated classic furnishing, confortable and sophisticate upholstery... In short, ideas in interior design that evoques an inmidiate "slow life" mood in its more elegance face.

muebles de lujo, decoración de interiores, muebles rustico elegantes, normandos, estilo country, high end interior design, country funishing, country cottage decorating, couches

En la vida hay algo más importante que incrementar su velocidad.
Mahatma Gandhi

Tecni Nova presentará su colección Countryside en Maison & Objet 2014, Paris. Les esperamos para descubrirla.

Tecni Nova will present Countryside collection in Maison & Objet 2014, Paris. We wait for you to discover it.

muebles de lujo, decoración de interiores, muebles rustico elegantes, normandos, estilo country, high end interior design, country funishing, country cottage decorating, couches

3 comentarios:

  1. Besides the Mediterranean sea, in inland Spain, admiring the traditional architecture, the enviroment, the vineyards, the plains, the sky... it is there that resides the inspiration for our country style.
    Read more at cua nhua gia go



Important notes

Tecni Nova, s.l.u. provides judicial protection for its creations, through the acquisition of industrial property rights by means of the inclusion of this producs in the Register of the desingns and industrial models regulated in the Statute on Ïndustrial ownership Royal Decree Law, July 26, 1929 and Law 11/1986 dated March 20 of Patents. This system permits the exercising of exclusive rights of fabrication, commercialization and graphic dissemination of thir records and to establish whatever judicial actions considered appopiate in defense of and aginst plagerism of thir models that could be carried out by any third party. The company reserves the right to make any modification to its models, on condition that this is in order to make improvements.

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