The soul of furniture

Algunos muebles poseen su propia alma, ciertos diseños de mueble antiguo y clásico han sido admirados y coleccionados alrededor de todo el mundo durante siglos.

Certain furniture has a soul, antique and classic furniture design had been admired and collected throught the world for centuries. 


Tecni Nova le ofrece piezas de mueble clásico en varios estilos clásicos, sofisticadas y refinadas, que aportan elegancia a cualquier estancia de su hogar.

Tecni Nova provides you pieces in various classical styles, sophisticated and refined pieces that gives elegance to any area of your home. 


Los ornamentos y accesorios se convierten en piezas de arte, de buen gusto y elegantes.

Ornaments become masterpieces, tasteful and upscaled accesoires.



Los muebles y tapicerías clásicos de Tecni Nova, son elaborados con materiales nobles, como el roble, el haya y el cerezo, así como ornamentadas con bronce, cristal de Swarovsky.

Tecni Nova's classical furniture and upholstery are elaborated with nobel materials such us oak, beech and cherry, as well as decorated with bronze, Swarovsky elements.




Las telas usadas en nuestra tapicería más clásica están artesanal y ricamente trabajadas, brocados, sedas, terciopelos son símbolos del tapizado en nuestra marca.

Fabrics used in our most classical upholstery are richly manipulated. Brocades, silks, velvets and damasks are symbol of our upholstery brand.



Los colores claros en nuestros muebles clásicos, contribuyen a crear un ambiente sereno y suntuoso, tonos crema, verdes, grises, amarillos, están presente en nuestras propuestas.

Soft colours in our classical furniture, contributes towards the creation of peaceful and sumptuous enviroment, cream, green, grey, yellow, are present in our most classical proposals.



Ésta es el alma de nuestras creaciones, el alma de Tecni Nova.

This is the soul of our creations, Tecni Nova's soul.

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Important notes

Tecni Nova, s.l.u. provides judicial protection for its creations, through the acquisition of industrial property rights by means of the inclusion of this producs in the Register of the desingns and industrial models regulated in the Statute on Ïndustrial ownership Royal Decree Law, July 26, 1929 and Law 11/1986 dated March 20 of Patents. This system permits the exercising of exclusive rights of fabrication, commercialization and graphic dissemination of thir records and to establish whatever judicial actions considered appopiate in defense of and aginst plagerism of thir models that could be carried out by any third party. The company reserves the right to make any modification to its models, on condition that this is in order to make improvements.

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