tecni nova and thecooluxury

Este mes Tecni Nova se estrena como miembro de un grupo selecto de marcas de alta calidad, influyentes e innovadoras, seleccionadas por el Instituto de Tendencias del Lujo para formar parte de THECOOLUXLURY, concepto que combina el sector premium generando las últimas y más exclusivas tendencias del mercado.

This month, Tecni Nova is premiering as a member of a selected group of high quality brands, influential and innovative, that have been bred by the spanish Institute of Luxury Trends to be part of THECOOLUXURY, a new concept that combines premium sector by generating latest and most exclusive trends in the market.

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Junto a un elenco de marcas referentes en el mundo de la alta gama, crearemos y dinamizaremos ideas y conceptos influyentes e innovadores en campos tan diversos como arte y diseño, belleza, moda, gourmet, estilo de vida, negocios y tecnología. 
Informes, eventos y una red de trabajo repleta de posibilidades nos esperan en este nuevo viaje que Tecni Nova emprende con THECOOLUXURY

Besides a cast of leading brands in high-class, we'll create and put in motion new ideas, influential and innovative concepts in diverse fields such as art & desigh, beaty, fashion, gourmet, lifestyle, bussiness and technology.
Reports, events and an international and full of possibilities network is waiting for us in this new initiative Tecni Nova embarks on with THECOOLUXURY.


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Important notes

Tecni Nova, s.l.u. provides judicial protection for its creations, through the acquisition of industrial property rights by means of the inclusion of this producs in the Register of the desingns and industrial models regulated in the Statute on Ïndustrial ownership Royal Decree Law, July 26, 1929 and Law 11/1986 dated March 20 of Patents. This system permits the exercising of exclusive rights of fabrication, commercialization and graphic dissemination of thir records and to establish whatever judicial actions considered appopiate in defense of and aginst plagerism of thir models that could be carried out by any third party. The company reserves the right to make any modification to its models, on condition that this is in order to make improvements.

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