habitat valencia 2015

Como cada año, la cita nacional líder en el sector del mueble y la madera abrirá sus puertas en unas semanas en Valencia. Una nueva edición de Habitat Valencia que se posiciona como un escaparate inédito hasta la fecha dedicado al interiorismo, la decoración, la arquitectura y el hogar. 

As every year, the main national date in furnishing sector will open its doors in a few weeks in Valencia. A new edition of Habitat Valencia that positions as the standard of an unprecedented showcase to date dedicated to interior, decor, architecture and the home.

tecninova-deluxe-furnishing-luxury-furniture-muebles-lujo-diseño-deco-interior-design-estilo- diseño-vanguardia-trend-innovation-feria-habitat-valencia-2015-upholstery-tapizado-luxury-furnishing-trend-high-end-decor-interior-design
En esta edición de 2015, Habitat Valencia se celebrará simultaneamente con otros dos citas del sector: MADERALIA CEVISAMA y Selection. Este proyecto que cuenta con el apoyo de todos los sectores involucrados, pretende generar sinergias entre los eventos para que los profesionales obtengan una visión general de todo el conjunto de sectores que están implicados en crear hogar.

In its edition in 2015, Habitat Valencia Fair will be held simultaneously with other major spanish quotations related to habitat: MADERALIA CEVISAMA and Selection. This project, that has the support of all sectors involved, aims to generate synergies between events, so that professionals have an overview of all the segments that make up the home.

tecninova-deluxe-furnishing-luxury-furniture-muebles-lujo-diseño-deco-interior-design-estilo- diseño-vanguardia-trend-innovation-feria-habitat-valencia-2015-upholstery-tapizado-luxury-furnishing-trend-high-end-decor-interior-design

Tecni Nova es parte de Feria Habitat Valencia 2015, escaparate al mundo de la creatividad, la innovación y el diseño Made in Spain.

Tecni Nova is part of Feria Habitat Valencia 2015, escapes to the world of creativity, innovation and Made in Spain design.

Les invitamos a conocer todas las novedades que Tecni Nova, deluxe furnishing presentará en el showroom durante estos días. Esperamos verlos en Valencia.

We invite you to get to know all the novelties that Tecni Nova, deluxe furnishing will present in the showroom during this days. Hope see you in Valencia.

tecninova-deluxe-furnishing-luxury-furniture-muebles-lujo-diseño-deco-interior-design-estilo- diseño-vanguardia-trend-innovation-feria-habitat-valencia-2015-upholstery-tapizado-luxury-furnishing-trend-high-end-decor-interior-design

tecninova-deluxe-furnishing-luxury-furniture-muebles-lujo-diseño-deco-interior-design-estilo- diseño-vanguardia-trend-innovation-feria-habitat-valencia-2015-upholstery-tapizado-luxury-furnishing-trend-high-end-decor-interior-design

tecninova-deluxe-furnishing-luxury-furniture-muebles-lujo-diseño-deco-interior-design-estilo- diseño-vanguardia-trend-innovation-feria-habitat-valencia-2015-upholstery-tapizado-luxury-furnishing-trend-high-end-decor-interior-design

tecninova-deluxe-furnishing-luxury-furniture-muebles-lujo-diseño-deco-interior-design-estilo- diseño-vanguardia-trend-innovation-feria-habitat-valencia-2015-upholstery-tapizado-luxury-furnishing-trend-high-end-decor-interior-design

tecninova-deluxe-furnishing-luxury-furniture-muebles-lujo-diseño-deco-interior-design-estilo- diseño-vanguardia-trend-innovation-feria-habitat-valencia-2015-upholstery-tapizado-luxury-furnishing-trend-high-end-decor-interior-design

tecninova-deluxe-furnishing-luxury-furniture-muebles-lujo-diseño-deco-interior-design-estilo- diseño-vanguardia-trend-innovation-feria-habitat-valencia-2015-upholstery-tapizado-luxury-furnishing-trend-high-end-decor-interior-design

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Important notes

Tecni Nova, s.l.u. provides judicial protection for its creations, through the acquisition of industrial property rights by means of the inclusion of this producs in the Register of the desingns and industrial models regulated in the Statute on Ïndustrial ownership Royal Decree Law, July 26, 1929 and Law 11/1986 dated March 20 of Patents. This system permits the exercising of exclusive rights of fabrication, commercialization and graphic dissemination of thir records and to establish whatever judicial actions considered appopiate in defense of and aginst plagerism of thir models that could be carried out by any third party. The company reserves the right to make any modification to its models, on condition that this is in order to make improvements.

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